Thursday, March 19, 2015

Stim Day 1, success!

I did it. I gave myself my very first injection last night.
After watching countless videos, some professional and some home-made, I figured I'd go into it strong and really "wow" the socks right off of my husband's perfect little feet. But here's how it really went down.
I got off at 5 and had to sit around until 6:30 waiting for him to get home. And by sit around, I really mean pace the floor 40 dozen times. By 7:15 I started mixing the drugs, which by the way, is NOT as easy as the nurse made it look during her demonstration at our last appointment. I had a total of 4 bottles to mix; needless to say, I became a pro by the last bottle. I lifted my shirt, exposing the lower right side of my pelvic region, approximately 2 inches below and away from my belly button. I then pinched a flab of skin in my left hand and readied the needle in my right. And then.... 
(drum roll please)

...I couldn't do it. 
I looked at Bear and told him how I had planned this moment so much differently in my head all day. I just really wanted to make him proud of me. He looked at me with a reassuring smile and said, "I am proud of you, you got this!"
With a couple more practice jabs, it was in.
"I did it. I fucking did it!"
I barely felt the needle go in at all. I felt it break the skin but after that I felt nothing. That is, until I pushed down on the plunger. The medicine really burns but not nearly as bad as what some women were saying online. For that, I was grateful. You definitely feel all of it going in though so luckily it's just 1cc so it only takes about 10 seconds or so.
Afterwards I didn't feel much different. We went to bed around 10 but at 12 I woke up to some really odd feelings and dreams. I was dreaming that I was super messed up. Like 110% inebriated. The feeling in my dream reminded me of how you feel waking up after surgery. Like completely messed up on medicine and still out of it from the anesthesia. When I woke up to roll over though, I was (I think) actually feeling that way in real life. Maybe not quite to the degree I was in my dream but I did feel messed up and kind of dizzy and sick to my stomach. Bear thinks I could have just been half asleep still.  I was also hot and cold ALL night. I'm not sure if any of this had to do with the injection or not, but I'm betting that it might have.
This morning I felt fine. No headaches, not any more tired than I usually am at 5:30am, and no bloat. I am crampy but I think it's because I'm spotting.

I'm going to watch my weight during and after stims as to record any fluid retention. I'm reaaaallllllyyyyyyyy hoping not to have to go do down the OHSS road.
 Weight: 110.2

10.27am on Stim day two (even though I've only had 1 shot so far) and I have a very minor headache, mild dizziness, and diarrhea.
I just learned that Menopur could be the culprit to all of these including the dizziness.. Also learned that all of these side effects  should diminish after my body has had a few days to adjust to the meds. [hopefully..]
Honestly, I can deal with everything (yes, even the gross 'D' word) but hopefully the dizziness is the first to subside. I hate feeling like something isn't right.

2 vials of Menopur (total 150IU)
2 vials of Bravelle (total 150IU)
Weight- 110.2

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