Thursday, August 20, 2015

16 week bumpdate with belly pics!

 Time is flying by. I can't believe I'm 16 weeks already!
Not much to report on this week other than the somewhat routine flutters I'm feeling. The only time I ever feel them is after I eat, and I only feel them if I'm being still and paying attention. They are so faint and easily overlooked if I'm busy concentrating on something or moving around.
 I read that I should expect to gain at least 12-14 pounds in the second trimester, or about a pound each week. More or less is fine too, that's just a general guideline. At 14 weeks I was 121 and today I'm at 122.5 which would be a 1.5lb increase. I guess I'm doing alright so far.  I've been extra careful about what I eat lately. About the only time I eat something unhealthy is at night I have a couple cookies or a little ice cream (and my occasional lazy nights where we eat out at chickfila).   Other than that, I've been extremely mindful of eating something that will benefit the baby and myself such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, protein, etc.. I'm hungry A LOT these days and it would be incredibly easy for my to stack on a bunch of useless pounds, but in my opinion, I can eat all the fruits and veggies I want, which luckily, for now anyway, I enjoy eating- so it's a win win. The one and only thing I'm concerned about as far as my body goes is stretch marks. I got a few when on my chest I was around 14 and apparently hit a growth spurt so I know that I'm susceptible to them.. I'm hoping that gaining weight gradually instead of mostly at the end will be beneficial when it comes to the stretch marks.
I'm sleeping really good now. Somehow I managed to figure out a way of positioning myself to where I can still sort of sleep on my belly without mushing things and becoming uncomfortable, but in the mornings when I start tossing and turning, I always find myself on my sides. So that's good.
I haven't had much in the way of "cravings" in a while but I did put two jars of pickles in our shopping cart at the grocery store last night which Barry was pretty amused by.
"What? They're buy one get one free!"

I know we still have plenty of time to do things we need to do around the house, but I feel like it's crunch time. I'm hoping to be completely done with everything by week 28. I feel like that's a pretty reasonable, realistic expectation. This weekend we are removing a window from the side of the house, replacing the framing around it to hopefully fix the leak and then putting the window back in. I hope we don't come across anything else during that project. Once we pay off this project a little bit, in a few weeks, we will fix the den and third bedroom sub floor, and have the carpet replaced. I'd really like to paint the paneling and trim in there too but we'll see how much we end up spending on the floor first. After we get that finished, we can move everything from the computer room, into the den, and start working on the nursery. Those are the three biggest things we need to do BEFORE the baby.  We also need to replace the rotten wood panels and holey screen that enclose our back patio, but that project could wait if it had to.

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