Wednesday, April 1, 2015

STIM DAY 14 (Tuesday)

I seriously can't believe I made it to day 14 on stims.
The doctors and nurses are quite astonished it took this long for my ovaries to fully stimulate.We were all  under the impression that in less than 10 days I'd be lugging around 2 grapefruit sized oves and now look at me. Day 14 with only 8 follies, 7 of which are on the right ovary alone.

So I went in Tuesday at 7am for a follow up and couldn't believe me eyes! My follicles grew 2mm overnight! 1 of them even grew 3mm!!
R:  17, 17, 16, 16, 15, 14, 13
L:  15
Endometrial Lining: 9mm
 Not sure why my lining is shrinking????? The Dr didn't seem concerned though.
They didn't run blood work so I don't know my e2. I guess OHSS is off the table since you need at least 10 follicles to become overstimulated. No complaints here.
 The Dr said he wanted me to stim for one more night to give those "13's and 14's a chance to catch up for triggering."
I sat there completely dumbfounded as I contemplated, in the back of my mind, which credit card I was going to apply this $650 charge to for the third time in a row. As I walked out to meet with the nurse for more meds, I was greeted by a lovely new nurse whom I'd never met before. She introduced herself and led me into her office to go over the HCG trigger shot and have me sign a few forms. In the few moments of small talk that we had on the way to her office, I  realized right then, that she was my favorite. After showing me how and where to administer the trigger and going over the importance of it all, she left the room briefly to go grab all of my medications and syringes. When she returned, she the plopped the Menopur, Bravelle, and Cetrotide in my lap and told me, "these are free. Another patient here donated it back to the clinic and it's all yours."
I seriously could have cried. 
I must have thanked her 7 times. 
I wanted to just hug her. 
I should have just hugged her.

 The only thing I had to pay for was the Trigger which was only $80. "Only." Listen to me. There was a day not long ago when $80 was a lot of money in my penny pinching eyes. Now I get excited if I get to leave the clinic after having swiped my card for anything less than $250.

Weight-113.0 (the bloat is real, y'all)
2 Vials of Menopur (150IU) pm
4 Vials of Bravelle (300IU) pm
Cetrotide (0.25mg) am

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