Friday, April 10, 2015

10am appointment experience vs my normal 7am time.

The dr office was weird today. I had to park on the 4th level which threw me off. The elevator in the parking garage was  a very bumpy, loud, scary as shit ride and I'll never use it again.  There were old people with walkers everywhere. There was a line around the corner just to board the inside  elevator I always use.  Then I go to step in and the doors simultaneously try to mush me in front of a very big crowd who did nothing to stop the relenting sabotage. For a second I seriously thought I was a goner.  The waiting room was packed and full of pregnant ladies talking about themselves.  And I had  to sit on the myself, because the loner seats were  taken. But the receptionist, who I've never even spoken to somehow rememberd me by name and face and asked immediately how I was feeling. Which was nice. And, up until today, my percocets hadn't been making me feel weird at all. Almost as if I were just taking Tylenol instead of a narcotic. But today, of course, as soon as I signed in a sat down they hit me and I was feeling spiny.
As I sat there for nearly an hour waiting to be seen, I prayed I'd be able to find my way out of the confusing ass parking garage by at least 3:00.

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