Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Weight gain during pregnancy.

In case you were wondering where all of that extra weight accumulates, here are some numbers I found on babycenter.com.
  • At birth, a baby weighs about 7.3lbs
  • The placenta, which keeps your baby nourished, weighs 1.5lbs.
  • The amniotic fluid, which supports and cushions your baby, weighs 1.8lbs.
But what about the other two thirds of extra weight? These can be accounted for by the changes that happen to your body while you're pregnant.
  • The muscle layer of your uterus (womb) grows dramatically and weighs an extra 2lbs.
  • Your blood volume increases and weighs an extra 2.6lbs.
  • You have extra fluid in your body weighing about 2.6lbs.
  • Your breasts weigh an extra 0.9lb.
  • You'll store fat, about 8.8lbs, to give you energy for breastfeeding. Beastfeeding burns about 300-500 calories a day. Add to that the amount of calories you're giving to your child and not keeping for yourself, plus the sudden busy lifestyle change, and it's often times fairly easy to watch the few extra pounds fall off in the months after child birth.
By the end of pregnancy you should weigh between 27 and 28 pounds more than you weighed pre-pregnancy.


I'm weighing in at 130lbs now; up a total of 12lbs so far.
It's a little freightening to see the number on the scale rising week after week but I know that it's all part of it. Using my height and starting weight, by now I should be at 127.5lbs -132.5lbs, so being 130lbs is absolutely golden! Given my body mass index, by the end of pregnancy, I should have gained between 25-35lbs.

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