Friday, June 24, 2016


  • Elle learned to hold her head up this month. she started out a little wobbly but by the end of her third month, she was holding it a lot stabler. 
  • she'll also sit upright when laid up against something! I've been nestling her in the crack where the two back cushions meat on the couch to get her little back and neck use to sitting upright. I've tried to see what happens when I sit her up on her own, but she topples right over. 
  • towards the beginning of the month, she started to reach out and grab things that she'd see you put her in front of her
  • she much more prefers to scoop things up to her face and mouth for further investigation at this point rather that use her finger and hands to grasp things but shes starting to get the hang of it.
  • speaking of mouth, EVERYTHING she can touch goes directly into her mouth. literally, anything she can fit! which includes her ENTIRE fist hahahah!!!!!
  • i can't believe how big she's getting. She's at least twice as big as she was when she was born. her foot is already half the length of mine!
  • She usually only whines when she's hungry or needs to poop and can't but lately she whines when shes sleepy too. And the longer she fights it, the whiner she becomes. 
  • before week 16  I'd only ever heard her cry 3 times before but now she cries at least once a day if not more! Sometimes it's only for a few seconds and sometimes it's for a minute or two but I have no clue what's bothering her to be having these moments. maybe growing pains??
  • We got a nice bassinet from my mom which I put in our room next to our bed that she's been sleeping in lately. 
  • For the first part of month 3, she would sleep in it from about midnight to 5am. Then around the middle of month, she started only sleeping until 4am and then 3am before waking up, kicking the sides of her bed until I'd get up and either feed her in the living room or put her in the bed with me. usually i just did the latter because she would sleep until 6 or 7 before waking up hungry. now with only a few days left in the 3rd month, I'm back on the couch with her, trying to get her to sleep in her bassinet through the night. Or at least more than 3 or 4 hours.

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