Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Unwanted Pregnancy Advice.

Bear and I went to an amazing, local antique store last weekend. We probably spent and hour and a half walking around in there and even found a cute hot air balloon to hang in the nursery! It was probably the most justified $50 I've ever spent in my life :)
Upon checking out, the young woman behind the counter began to small talk with us, telling us how we found a really great piece and asked us where we planned on hanging it, to which Barry blurted out, "in the baby's nursery!!"
I have to admit, I was a bit stunned. Not because he answered truthfully, but... Because he answered truthfully to a complete stranger when we haven't even made a Grand Announcement to our friends and family yet. And because I was caught off guard, I went insta-red as soon as she turned to me and exclaimed, "REALLY?! HOW FAR ALONG ARE YOU?!"
To which I quietly replied, "almost 12 weeks,"  as if  I were trying to keep it from the rest of the old, gabby Abbys walking around like zombies.
With that, I saw her face light up even further and here it came, like vomit from her mouth, "Oh I can remember when I...."
(Insert another lady holding big box for said hot air balloon) "I FOUND YOU GUYS A BOX!"
Oh thank God.
I was saved from my very first "advice story" from a stranger.

Go figure,.. the very first stranger we tell, and that's the first reaction. How typical.
This is going to be a long 6 months.
I fear the day an [old] lady hits me up in the grocery store while I'm standing in the check out line and wants to rub my belly and tell me horror stories of all the children she birthed.
I will seriously pretend to be deaf.
Or blind.
Or a mute.
Possibly all three of the above if that's what it takes. 
I will only leave the house with Barry so that he can intercept such train wrecks.
He'll need a little teaching, of course.

Lord, don't leave my side now, when I really need you!!!

OH. I forgot the best part.
While trying to get us to come to some little event their hosting on some day, of some month, she was like, "there will be wine and beer as well, which you (points to Barry) can enjoy the beer, and you, (points to me) can enjoy a couple glasses of wine! Because you're totally allowed to every now and then!!"

Wow... Thanks for the advice..
And thanks for proving my point.

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