Baby Bear:
Baby is now the size of a lime and almost fully formed. This weeks he is sporting finger nails which will begin growing soon and he's practicing opening and closing his hands. He's still a little while off from having actual hair but his hair follicles are beginning to develop. At some point in the next couple of days, blood will begin circulating between the uterus and baby and the placenta will start functioning. Baby bear looks more human now than ever with a visible neck, straighter back, and thicker skin. This is the beginning of a three week growth spurt where he will more than double in length.
Fun Fact: He is fully capable and will from time to time get a case of the hiccups now that his diaphragm is forming. AND, this week he'll begin somersaults and forward rolls.
How's Mamma?
So far even through sickness, I've just been so beside-myself-happy about everything. And now, for seemingly no reason at all, I'm feeling down. I know finances probably have a lot to do with it and hormones do as well, but I feel like this came out of no where and it's lasted for about a week now. I'm sure its only temporary so I won't bore you with a whole blog post about it.
Other than that, I don't know. Everything is okay I guess. My appetite is returning although the heat and certain smells still flip my stomach. According to my co-worker who I told that to yesterday, now is when I'll start packing on the pounds.
Here's another image of my nonexistent bump
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