How is it possible that I'm even able to type those words?!
I was going to just wait until later today or tomorrow to post, once I know what my second beta is, but the suspense is killing me and my work isn't keeping my mind nearly busy enough, so I figured I'd blog about it :)
How's baby?
At 5 weeks, little 5ab is of measurable size. In fact, believe it or not, he's the size of a peppercorn. A freaking peppercorn y'all!! Last week he was only the size of a poppy seed, so his growth in only 7 days is furiously quick! Right now, he doesn't look like much more than a tadpole, but he's already starting to form major organs (heart, stomach,
liver, kidney) and systems (digestive, circulatory, nervous).
How's Mom?
My beta's came back on Monday at 278 which is a really great, solid, first number. It needed to be over 50 and most of what I read online was to expect it around 100-300. Naturally, I nearly lost it when the nurse said 278! I should be hearing back any minute now about my second beta from this morning. Typically they want a doubling rate of 48 hours, meaning today it should be about 560. However that's just a general guideline. It's not uncommon to have doubling rates any where from 29-56 hours so anything between 500-875 would be considered normal. As far as "symptoms" go, I still think it's still early for anything major but I have had some off and on dizziness, fatigue, and as of this morning, nausea! Like, not just gaggy feelings about certain things, but actual PUKEY feelings.
And I'm very excited about it!
for now.
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