5ab is the size of a raspberry this week.
Naturally, I've been keeping his corresponding fruit around the house so that I can hold it in my hand to get an up close and personal feel for how big he's growing. This morning I put the raspberry in Barry's hand and he couldn't believe it- he was totally blown away!
5ab's Development:
His tail is about gone as he exits the embryonic stage and enters the fetal stage by the end of week 8. He's growing about 1mm a day and the amniotic fluid in my womb is increasing by two tablespoons a week to accommodate him. By now, my blood volume has already increased by 40%. His tiny little fingers and toes have formed but will remain webbed for the next couple of weeks. His facial features are becoming more refined with his ears, lips, and the teeny tip of his nose all clearly visible now.
Fun fact: All of his joints have formed and he's already moving his little arms and legs like crazy! Also, his taste buds are forming this week.
How's Momma?
Exactly the same. I still feel sick off and on all day long. Last night, for the very first time yet, I woke up sick in the middle of the night. I'm thinking it had something to do with my stomach being empty (?) so I'm going to start keeping a bottle of water and some crackers near the bed. It definitely wasn't pleasant and made it pretty difficult to fall back asleep. I considered sleeping on the floor in the bathroom and probably would have if I'd have had enough energy to get up and walk there. Fortunately, besides last night, my nausea, has been "mild" lately, as in I haven't felt "pukey," just sick feeling. And I feel like a lot of things I use to love, now make me want to vomit. I also foresee all meat coming off of my menu pretty soon as I'm developing an aversion to almost all of it. It is so weird to be so hungry all of the time and have an appetite for absolutely nothing. And to be at the grocery store shopping and getting only food that sound edible and maybe even half way enjoyable and about 80% of the things I bought end being the exact opposite.
Other than that I'm also still really tired. Utter exhaustion set in at about 3 or 4 in the afternoon every day and by 5:30-6 I'm usually napping.
I'm also still extremely intolerant to the heat. The last week or so I've noticed that within minutes of being outside in this marvelous 95-100 degrees Florida heat my face turns beat red and I break out in a heat rash in certain areas of my body. My eyes get glassy too and I feel and look generally unwell. Hopefully this is just a side effect of the progesterone and it will become easier after week 11 when I get to stop taking it seeing as how we are only into our first real month of summer and have about 3 more to go. With that being said, I'm already thanking God for my sweet winter baby and my last trimester of pregnancy being in the colder months. Plus I get to be pregnant during Christmas. My heart gets completely full and joyful anyways from about Oct- Dec so I can't imagine the feelings this years will bring.
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