Monday, February 4, 2013


Well, for the first time in 7 days, I woke up and decided not to test. I figured Mondays are rough enough, why add to it? I thought for sure it would drive me crazy, kind of like waking up and going without a cigarette for the first time, but it wasn't bad at all. I've actually felt great all morning. I think I may ask Barry to hide them from me next cycle and just not plan on testing unless I miss my period.
Speaking of period.
AF is suppose to be here tomorrow. About 97% of the time, I start first thing in the morning when I use to restroom. So if that doesn't happen tomorrow when I wake up, I will probably take a test with me to work and test with SMU.
Strangely, aside from the cramps, I have no AF symptoms at all.
I have an increased amount of CM which I've never noticed as an AF symptom before, however, I do remember having a lot the last time I was pregnant.
So.... who knows.
Last Friday I tested and there was nothing there. Just stark white.
Saturday I tested and Barry and I both saw the faintest little shadowy line.
Sunday (yesterday)  I tested and it was the same.
I'm not sure if it's a just a weird batch of tests or if this could be something. But yesterday after I tested, I was really upset. I figured since we both saw a glimpse of a line, I would wake up to a slightly darker line and when I didn't I was confused and angry. I guess that's why I didn't test today. After seeing 7 BFN's for 7 straight days, it was refreshing just waking up and not worrying about it. I will keep you posted as to what happens next.

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