Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gold Head Grandiose

T-minus 3 day until our camping trip. This weekend is going to be epic.
Bear and I are camping with my Dad, Step-Mom, and close friends of the family from Friday until Sunday out in Keystone Heights. I am beside myself!! I can't freaking wait!! Here is how I envision things going down:
Friday- Getting to work by 6am. Leaving work around lunch time and dropping my dog off at the Vet to be boarded for the weekend. Coming home, showering, getting the truck packed up and heading down to the cabins. Eating hotdogs and hamburgers upon arrival. Drinking and dancing around the fire all night.  Laughing until my insides hurts because that's how it always is with the group of people I am camping with. Falling asleep with Bear on the pullout couch.
Saturday- waking up sore from all of the laughing. Dragging myself to the shower and getting decent since I have to. Eating some of Mark's delicious breakfast. Sitting around and watching the boys toss the football back and forth.  Talking to the girls about JCcrew, babies, and music. Eating lunch. Going for a bike ride- drink in hand. Eating dinner. Repeat of the night before.
Sunday- Waking up unable to speak from the all of the hootin and hollarin the night before. Eating more of Mark's delicious breakfast food.. Packing up. Going home. Sitting on my couch in my underwear with Bear, watching tv all day.
Like I said...... Epic.

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