I manually overrode the ovulation detector tuning on FF since I wanted a coverline and wasn't going to get one because I started temping so late in this cycle. Even though it's not exactly accurate, it should be accurate within 3 days. It went with the middle day. So instead of me sitting her thinking, "hmm... I'm between 7 and 9 dpo" FF went off of my + opk and CM and gave me an O day of CD 11; which will put me at 8 dpo. Yay! I have a coverline!
Not that it means shit, but FF also gave me a "high" rating on intercourse timing. AND I did a search on charts that looked like mine. I found the only one that looks exactly like mine thus far (given the lack of info I have charted for this cycle" and did a chart overlay of mine and their's. It lines up almost perfectly. Oh,,, and it just so happens to be their pregnancy chart. BOOM bitch! Click to see the Overlay Chart .
Again, none of that really means shit, but as I always say, "whatever gets me through my day."
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