Tuesday, January 22, 2013

A New Creation

I need a to do something to preoccupy myself during the 2ww. I figured I'd give this "blog" thing another shot. It didn't work during the wedding because I didn't have the time or interest to update it, however, time is all I have these days. I may have multiple posts during the day and I may even skip days. Idk yet.. I guess I'm just using this space in space to unload a little bit of TTC stress.

Background: (Or where we are at in the journey, rather.) We have been TTC since July 2012, or 6 months. We found out we were pregnant 7/27/12. EDD 4/8/13. We had what I believe was a M/C on 8/14/12 @6w2d. My HCG numbers kept rising and we later found I had a ectopic in my right tube. (yes, I believe there were twins.)  I had surgery to remove the pregnancy on 9/7/12 @ 9w5d. We couldn't resume sexual activity until 10/13/12. So I guess technically, we have been TTC for 3.5 months / 5 cycles.

I am keeping this shit on lock down until further notice.

SO... Post number 1.
Today is CD 12. I believe I'm 1 dpo, but because I haven't started temping yet, I only have physical symptoms to go off of instead of solid proof. CM has been W except for last night it was EW.  Although I haven't started temping, I did start a FF account. So far I love it. I love looking at other people's pregnancy charts.
I remember the first time we TTC back in July 2012, I naively thought I would never get myself wrapped up in temping and charting. But I figured it would be beneficial to know exactly when I'm O'ing every month and see if there is some sort of rhyme or reason to it. I have fairly consistent cycles, so I imagine everything else is constistent.
One thing I would like to note is, last month, from CD1  until AF arrived, I took B6 because the last two months AF had arrived 2 days early. I believed I was unable to get KU those months because of my short LP. I took the b6 and AF arrived right on time, minus the spotting the night before which I've never experienced prior to that occasion
This month, I decided I wouldn't take it to see what happens. My wondfo's came in the mail last Thursday and because of my POAS addiction, I decided to test on Saturday evening. To my surprise, it was a nearly +opk. Sunday afternoon was the same as Saturday's and Monday it was a definite +. We BD'd Sunday morning around 5am because that's when we got home from Bobby's. Then again on Monday night. So if I'm right, we hit O-1 and O. Which would be such amazing timing. But then again, I'm not temping yet so there is no way of knowing if I've O'd yet. :/
The noteworthy part of my mentioning this, was that is is possible, that like this month, I have been O'ing early, hence the early start of AF. In this case, if I did O yesterday, that would be a whopping two days early. Therefore, I could expect AF two days early. I will certainly come back to this with the results. Although, hopefully AF doesn't happen this month :)
Said the naive girl who has hardly no experience. enter snarky thought & comment by someone who has been trying for years. :open mouth-insert foot:

+ opk Monday at 11:30am w/ SMU

 end post 1.

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