Thursday, January 31, 2013


This is going to sound ridiculous and juvenile, but I have to share it with someone.
My coworker just gave me a scratch off ticket. She brings me one about once, sometime twice a week. Personally I think it's dumb because I NEVER win and it's a waste of her money. But she's sweet and likes doing sweet things for people. SO anywhosies. I'm sitting here, about to scratch this ticket, and me, being the ticket loser I am, says to myself, "if you win anything, you'll get pregnant this month." As soon as I say that, I scratch the number 4 and I win $1. Then a few rows down, I scratch another number and when another $4. So technically, I won twice.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I manually overrode the ovulation detector tuning on FF since I wanted a coverline and wasn't going to get one because I started temping so late in this cycle. Even though it's not exactly accurate, it should be accurate within 3 days. It went with the middle day. So instead of me sitting her thinking, "hmm... I'm between 7 and 9 dpo" FF went off of my + opk and CM and gave me an O day of CD 11; which will put me at 8 dpo. Yay! I have a coverline!

Not that it means shit, but FF also gave me a "high" rating on intercourse timing. AND I did a search on charts that looked like mine. I found the only one that looks exactly like mine thus far (given the lack of info I have charted for this cycle" and did a chart overlay of mine and their's. It lines up almost perfectly. Oh,,, and it just so happens to be their pregnancy chart. BOOM bitch!  Click to see the  Overlay Chart .

Again, none of that really means shit, but as I always say, "whatever gets me through my day." 


I don't know how many dpo I am.  I don't even want to test anymore. As far as testing goes, there is a big difference between 7 and 10dpo or 8 and 11dpo. If I'm testing under the assumption that I'm 10 when really I'm only 7 then how the hell am I suppose to justify being pissy for the rest of the day because I got a - test when it's really way too early to be testing in the first place.  I'm glad I started temping so that I could get the hang of it and complete a "practice" run beforehand, but I'm kicking myself in the ass for not just going ahead and starting around CD1. damn it...
On the brightside, I had a .3 temp increase today, which made me super happy. However I know that sounds lame coming from anyone who has ever temped before. I don't really care though. Whatever gets me through the days.
If I don't get knocked up this month, I get to drink until my little heart is content when we go camping on the 22-23. So fuck it.
8 days until AF.

Monday, January 28, 2013

The first of many Squinters

Well folk's... The moment of truth..
If I O'd Sunday, I'm only 8dpo. If I O'd Monday, I'm only 7dpo.
I tested this morning.
I swear I saw the faintest of faint lines..
You can't pick it up in the picture.

I took 3 pictures in different lighting.

Here they are. (only 1 test)
I'm really busy at work, so I will update this post later


Okay... So yea.. The photos above freaking suck...
I'm probably just imagining things anyway...
With that being said, I have imagined symptoms before, and had crazy pregnant dreams before, But I  have NEVER seen a line that wasn't there. But... there is a first time for everything I suppose.
I will test again tomorrow. That should put me at around 8 or 9 dpo. I really hope this faint shadow of a line I'm staring at right now keeps getting darker  and doesn't turn out to be a fluke. I'm so insanely hopeful right now. :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Great things this weekend!

It's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank you Lord!
I don't have to think about a single TTC -related thing until Monday. Yay!

AND.......... my brother is coming over tonight!
ANDDD........ tomorrow is my Dad's super secret surprise birthday party!

He's gunna be all,

It's going to be great!
A great way to bring the 50th year you've been alive for. 
I'm excited!

Now, onto TTC news.. There really isn't any yet this morning other than my FF update. I keyed my temp this morning and it was a .01 degree higher than yesterday. It's not saying much, but at least it's higher. In pregnancy terms, that's better than it  going down. Hopefully this upward trend keeps on. I was on TheBump yesterday and did a search on Ectopic pregnancy because I knew the people posting and replying to posts would be experienced in them. Turns out, all of them that had previously had an ectopic, went on to have normal intrauterine pregnancies afterwards. Which obviously made me really happy to see. Some of them experienced chemical pregnancies and or miscarriages afterwards, but the the fact is, they were all ute babies !

In case I don't log back in today, Happy Friday and Happy Weekened!
Peace bitches!

Thursday, January 24, 2013


I crawled into bed last night and waited for Barry. He was putting "Working Man's Hands" on his hands when I asked him to grab the thermometer for me out of the hall closet. He looked at me dumbfounded, and said "like the thermometer?" as he opened his mouth and pointed inside of it.
Me- "Yea, the thermometer."
Barry- "Are you okay?"
Me-  "Yea, I'm fine. I'm going to start taking my temp in the morning so I can see when I ovulate and I have to take it upon waking before I get out of the bed so I can get an accurate reading."

The look on his face was priceless.

Barry- "like............ orally right?
Me- "like............... YEA! jeeze."  ::facepalm::

So, needless to say, I entered my first temp into FF. (click on Ovulation Chart at the top of the page)
It was exciting. lol
I can't wait until I have a whole month of solid tracking. Though, I know I'll most likely regret having ever said that.
I've had some cramping today which is making me less and less proud  of  the "perfect" timing this month. I'm beginning to wonder if I  O'd Tuesday or Wednesday instead of Sunday or Monday like I originally thought. God, I hope not seeing as how we haven't BD'd in a couple days. :/
Because I have no way of knowing exactly when I O'd for sure, since I only just started tracking my temps today, I am still going with Monday as my O date. So that would put me at 3 dpo today.
Only 7 to go until I test :)  
Look at me. Already excited to POAS!
At least I give myself things to look forward to.
I don't care.
Don't judge me!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Being Relaxed is B S

Telling me to relax and be patient is like telling a 1 year old to focus.  Being relaxed doesn't get you pregnant, an ideal biological scenario in your pants combined with good timing with insemination does.
Even before I wanted kids or knew what infertility was, I always had this feeling that I wouldn't be able to have any. You can imagine my astonishment when I got my first + HPT after our first try ever. I told myself right then and there, "You can have kids! You really can!" I haven't really given it a single thought since then until last night. I was laying in bed thinking about how maybe I should start thinking it can't and won't ever happen for us and see if we get lucky again.
What if we don't ever get lucky?
What if it does take many more months, or years even?
Insert random thought: if millions of couples suffer from infertility, why the fuck is everyone pregnant but me?

I have a confession to make.
Last cycle, a few days before AF, I really truly, honestly KNEW I was pregnant. There wasn't a doubt in my mind. The cramps felt different, I felt different, I had sore boobs, I felt bloated, I was getting headaches; all the things I experienced the last time. I even went as far as to write Barry a note telling him I was pregnant and how I couldn't wait to prove it to him with a HPT. And how I was going to surprise him with it when he got home from work. I kept this note in my purse for like 3 days. And I couldn't wait to give it to him. I was so excited. The night before I was going to test, I started spotting. I thought to myself, "maybe it's just late implantation bleeding." I held onto hope because there was no way that my mind made up all of these "symptoms" I was feeling. I stopped spotting about an hour later and then no more until Friday morning, when I actually started my period. It was awful. When I got to work, I shut my door, sat down, took the note out of my purse, and gently tore it into little pieces all while crying, bawling my eyes out as quietly as possible. Straight ugly crying. It's always really hard to get through the first day, but because I had believed I was seriously pregnant this time, it made that much harder to cope. I never ever do that to myself. I know better. But last month got the best of me. I promised myself to never do it again. As much as I'd like to just forget about TTC and not think about it, I can't. There is only a 15% chance of getting pregnant every month, and if I can increase my chances by even a fraction of a percent just by knowing when to BD, then that's what I'm going to do. Especially given the fact that we didn't try for the last two cycles and it still didn't happen for us. And the cycle during which it did happen, just so happen to be one that we tried for. Boom.
 And who knows, maybe I was pregnant, and just ended up miscarrying. That's all a miscarry really is, it's your brain telling your body to menstruate when it's not suppose to.
Many years ago, before the Early Response Pregnancy Tests, women miscarried all the time before they ever even knew they were pregnant because they usually waited a few days to a couple of weeks to test. Now, you can test up to 6 or 7 days before you even miss your period.
If technology has come so far, why do couples have to wait up to a year before seeing a
Reproductive Endocrinologist, (RE).  Why put the stress on a otherwise healthy relationship when you could just let them know ahead of time what they can expect.
-Ok, you're S/A came back great. You have 300,000,000 spermies with perfect Morphology and Motility.You are good to go Mr. Mickler.
-And the results from your HSG test shows that you have a blocked tube so there's a 50/50 shot of you having an ectopic pregnancy Mrs. Mickler.
-"Gee, thank you Doctors for letting me know! Just go ahead and preform the LAP and unblock my tube so that we can and start trying to grow our family. "
But no. They make us wait until we run into problems. Problems that could potentially destroy our fertility in the process of of trying to have a baby.
I once only had a 15% chance of having an ectopic pregnancy.
Because I've now experienced one, I stand at a 30% chance of having another one the next time I get pregnant. 
The third time I get pregnant there is a 60% chance of it being ectopic.
And after the third, I have a 90% chance of being infertile altogether.

Those numbers are terrifying.
But if you flip it around, and see that I have a 70% of having a safe, healthy, normal, intrauterine pregnancy next time, it looks a little more appealing- like the glass is half full.

"Whether I parent a child I actually give birth to, or a child that God leads me to, I will not be careless with my love. "

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Acronym City

One last post for today.
Please excuse the past and future acronym usage. I have become accustomed to this terminology since joining  last May. 
Here is the Glossary if you get lost:

AF - Aunt Flo (menstruation)
AO - Anovulatory

BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BD - Big Deed (baby making sex)
BFN - Big Fat Negative (home pregnancy test result)
BFP - Big Fat Positive (home pregnancy test result)
BW or B/W - Blood Work

CD - Cycle day
CL - Corpus Luteum
CM - Cervical Mucus
CP - Cervical position

D&C - Dilation & Curettage
D&E - Dilation & Evacuation
DH - Dear Husband
DPO - Days past ovulation

EDD - Estimated Due Date
EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
EWCM - Egg White Cervical Mucus   (or just EW)

FMU - First morning urine
FP - Follicular Phase
FRER - First Response Early Response

HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test

IB - Implantation Bleeding

KU- Knocked Up  

LAP - Laparoscopy
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LP - Luteal phase
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect

MC - Miscarriage

MS - Morning Sickness

O - Ovulation
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit

P4 - Progesterone
PIT - Pitocin

PNV - Prenatal vitamin
POAS - Pee On A Stick

S/A - Sperm/semen analysis

SMU- Second Morning Urine

TTA - Trying to Avoid
TTC - Trying To Conceive

US or u/s - Ultrasound

VBAC - Vaginal birth after caesarian

WCM- Watery Cervial Mucus (or Just W)

All Wrapped Up In a Pretty Little Nut Shell

Our Journey thus far:
The single best moment of my life.

& then..
  I went from a cute
6 week bloat to a
9 week post-LAP swollen
and no longer hopeful or pregnant

& then..

& then...

December and January we didn't pay any attention at all. So I can't even technically say we "tried". I still tested, but I decided to skip the shitty negative pic those months. There are only so many times you can look at it before you..... Just don't want to see it anymore. 

My next test date is 2/2/13. If I did in fact O early (yesterday),  I will be 12dpo on 2/2 which will be enough time to give me an accurate reading. 
But if I O Wednesday (tomorrow) like FF is telling me I should based on relative data, I will only be 10dpo on 2/2 which is still a little early, though not impossible, to get an accurate reading. 

I Will End with This:
There are women that become mothers without effort, without thought, without patience or loss and though they are good mothers and love their children, I know that I will love mine more.

A New Creation

I need a to do something to preoccupy myself during the 2ww. I figured I'd give this "blog" thing another shot. It didn't work during the wedding because I didn't have the time or interest to update it, however, time is all I have these days. I may have multiple posts during the day and I may even skip days. Idk yet.. I guess I'm just using this space in space to unload a little bit of TTC stress.

Background: (Or where we are at in the journey, rather.) We have been TTC since July 2012, or 6 months. We found out we were pregnant 7/27/12. EDD 4/8/13. We had what I believe was a M/C on 8/14/12 @6w2d. My HCG numbers kept rising and we later found I had a ectopic in my right tube. (yes, I believe there were twins.)  I had surgery to remove the pregnancy on 9/7/12 @ 9w5d. We couldn't resume sexual activity until 10/13/12. So I guess technically, we have been TTC for 3.5 months / 5 cycles.

I am keeping this shit on lock down until further notice.

SO... Post number 1.
Today is CD 12. I believe I'm 1 dpo, but because I haven't started temping yet, I only have physical symptoms to go off of instead of solid proof. CM has been W except for last night it was EW.  Although I haven't started temping, I did start a FF account. So far I love it. I love looking at other people's pregnancy charts.
I remember the first time we TTC back in July 2012, I naively thought I would never get myself wrapped up in temping and charting. But I figured it would be beneficial to know exactly when I'm O'ing every month and see if there is some sort of rhyme or reason to it. I have fairly consistent cycles, so I imagine everything else is constistent.
One thing I would like to note is, last month, from CD1  until AF arrived, I took B6 because the last two months AF had arrived 2 days early. I believed I was unable to get KU those months because of my short LP. I took the b6 and AF arrived right on time, minus the spotting the night before which I've never experienced prior to that occasion
This month, I decided I wouldn't take it to see what happens. My wondfo's came in the mail last Thursday and because of my POAS addiction, I decided to test on Saturday evening. To my surprise, it was a nearly +opk. Sunday afternoon was the same as Saturday's and Monday it was a definite +. We BD'd Sunday morning around 5am because that's when we got home from Bobby's. Then again on Monday night. So if I'm right, we hit O-1 and O. Which would be such amazing timing. But then again, I'm not temping yet so there is no way of knowing if I've O'd yet. :/
The noteworthy part of my mentioning this, was that is is possible, that like this month, I have been O'ing early, hence the early start of AF. In this case, if I did O yesterday, that would be a whopping two days early. Therefore, I could expect AF two days early. I will certainly come back to this with the results. Although, hopefully AF doesn't happen this month :)
Said the naive girl who has hardly no experience. enter snarky thought & comment by someone who has been trying for years. :open mouth-insert foot:

+ opk Monday at 11:30am w/ SMU

 end post 1.