Today is day past day transferrr!!!
We arrived at the hospital a little early yesterday, thankfully, because we ended up driving around in the parking garage for 10 minutes before we finally gave up and just drove all the way to the top and parked!

The procedure was scheduled for 12 but they asked that I arrive at 11 so they’d have plenty of time to fill my badder via IV since I couldn’t eat or drink anything on account of the anesthesia. They ended up not even calling me back until 11:20 so of course while I was worrying the whole time in the waiting room and as I laid there as they filled up my “bone dry” bladder. Finally I told the nurse that I was worried my little embryo was just sitting in the medium becoming weaker and weaker but I was told that wasn't the case at all and that it was fine and not to worry. It was such a humbling feeling knowing my embryo was just on the other side of the wall ❤️
Finally, at around 12:30, I was taken back to the surgical room. I laid up on the bed and put my legs up in the leg holder things. They kept me covered the entire time until just before I slipped off to sleep. The last thing I said was , “good luck, Dr. Winslow!” I was out before I even heard his response. Lol!
When I awoke, they told me the transfer went perfectly and that my little embryo had actually grown from a 4BB to a 5BB!!! I was so happy and proud to hear that! I laid in the bed thanking God for finally making this happen and told my embryo to get nice and comfy in there and that I would continue to give them a warm, safe, and happy home for the next 8 months.

Afterwards, I got the Chipotle Carnitas Bowl I was promised and then went home and slept off and on the couch for the remainder of the day. I had planned on getting up and being a little more active to keep my blood moving and pumping but I was so exhausted and couldn’t keep my eyes open at all!
Today I've felt a few little cramps and pulling-type sensations here and there but all hardly noticeable. Honestly, my heart is so full at just the thought of having our little embryo on board. ❤️❤️
I'm wearing my rainbow socks again today for good luck.

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