A little blog about the struggles and overcoming of infertility and pregnancy loss, a successful InVitro transfer, and the before and current happenings of our lives with our sweet baby Elle.
Monday, January 11, 2016
36 weeks 4 day update
And as with most of the side effects, the swelling in feet and ankles has vanished.. for the time being. Starting 2 days ago, I noticed on Saturday night, I could see veins and tendons in my feet!! OMG!!!! It felt so good to see a part of "old" Candace still in there, still alive and well. A glimpse of life after pregnancy. A speck of hope that some things will return to normal after Elle arrives. It was a magical feeling that I didn't expect to become so excited about. Then Sunday morning, on the day we were suppose to take a maternity photos, they were still their normal size and shape, albeit a little longer in length, so I got to wear my cute boots versus my tennis shoes. :) So that was obviously pretty nice considering I did have a breif meltdown the morning of the shoot. I woke up at 10 and had to take a shower to wash my nappy, dirty hair and by the time I got out, did my hair and make up , and tried on every maternity shirt and pair of jeans that still fit me, I was hungry and hot and frustrated and still hasn't had my morning cup of coffee, but by then was too hot to drink it anyways... Barry came into the kitchen just as I was about to loose it.. Asked me what was wrong to which I explained everything I just typed here to him, and added that I couldn't even cry (as the tears were welling up and my voice begining to crack) because I didn't want to have to re-do my makeup.
Sweet Bear lifted my chin, kissed my forehead and told me I looked amazing and that there was no reason to be crying. (I never for a second forget how lucky I am to have him.) After I got all recomposed, he made us BLTs for lunch and we set off into the woods for some photo-therapy.
As far how I'm feeling, this week is actually a little better than the last. I slept amazing well 3 out of the last 4 nights. I've been getting headaches for the last week which my doctor believes could be a symptom of my high blood pressure so he wants me to monitor both and call in if my BP stays consistently high two times in a row or if my headaches become too much to handle. Like I mentioned before, the swelling has gone down everywhere (except my knees) which is nice and unexpected so we'll see how long this lasts. And my back is also feeling a lot better this week. I'll have to enjoy all of this while it lasts I suppose.
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