The good news is, all is well with the baby and my new Cardioligist is just as concerned about her health as he is mine. The bad news is, I still have to wait 4 more weeks to find out with is wrong with me!
The back story:
Last Wednesday after the ultrasound, (as mentioned in my last post) I was having a racing/pounding heart sensation. Thursday it was no better and Friday is was still there only constant instead of intermittent so I took myself to the ER to be evaluated. Five hours later I was sent home with a diagnosis of: Heart Palpitations which are being caused by premature ventricular contractions (PVC's) and Zantac for the lump feeling in my throat (which she said was from heartburn...) The heart issues they said could have been caused by low magnesium so they put me on a magnesium drip before discharging me. Whether by coincidence or reason, the palpitations had stopped by the time I left the ER and I felt fine up until later that night. Saturday and Sunday they continued off and on. Monday night I woke up to chest pain and a pain in my back in between my shoulder blades. This pain too, was off and on, and finally subsided all together about an hour later.That morning while getting ready for work, I felt fine, as though nothing had even happened. However, on my drive in to the office, the palpitations began and this time I felt dizzy too. But only for a few moments.
Today, Tuesday, I've felt pretty good all day other than the occasional palps.
My cardiologist said that the palps can be pretty common especially in pregnancy because my heart is working extra hard right now with the 40% more blood volume to circulate, but that they can also mean something else is going on too, so he wants to proceed with further testing to make sure they are benign. I'm scheduled for an echo cardiogram on Oct 2nd and after that, I'll get Holter monitor to put on that day to wear for 24 hours since my EKG's keep coming up normal and aren't catching the palps when they happen. As long as the palps are under a certain threshold and I can deal with them, we'll just wait until after delivery when they should go away. But if they are over a certain threshold, that is, happening too often and/or for too long, he will put me on a beta blocker.
So that's the skinny on that.
On the bright side, I'm almost 20 weeks pregnant!
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