Thursday, August 27, 2015

17 weeks **w/ picture* !

Today I can't stop thinking about how nearly 3 years ago I found out that I had lost my first pregnancy, and would shortly be having part of my tube removed along with the embryo that implanted inside it. And how with each subsequent year of nothing happening and then having a miscarriage followed by another ectopic in the opposite tube, I began to "accept" my childless future.
I believe it is because of this, I am able to wake up every day so incredibly happy and content. Even on days that I awake sore, or tired from a lack of sleep, or with an upset stomach, I'm still happy.
I guess one could say I'm still a little in shock that IVF worked and we succeeded!

17 Weeks: I can feel baby's little kicks now. Good, solid, unmistakable little kicks and jabs. I mostly feel them in the morning and early afternoon hours and only flutters at night. Hopefully in the next week or so, Barry will be able to feel them too.
There really isn't much to report or complain about. My skin looks and feels fantastic, as do my nails and hair. I think my heat intolerance may be returning after having vanished for the last 3 or 4 weeks, but other than that, I feel great! If it weren't for my protruding belly and occasional movements from baby bear, I wouldn't even believe I was pregnant. Hopefully all of this lasts!
I won't drag this out and will instead leave you with what you came here for. ;)

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