Tuesday, April 7, 2015

3dpt-5dpt (Sat-Mon)

The short version:
This was me on Saturday:

The weekend was painful.  SO very painful.
Friday after getting home from the retrieval was easy; all I did was sleep. Aside from when I had to get up to use the bathroom, I had almost no pain thanks to the T3 they prescribed me. I still felt quite a bit because it's just Tylenol with a bit of codeine, but I didn't feel as bad I thought I would.
That is, until Saturday came around.
Not only did I pray for the good results of our possible babies, but I prayed for poop as well.
Saturday was pretty painful but no as bad as Sunday.
Sunday I still hadn't "gone." And also had no more painkillers to take. None that were approved, anyway. HOWEVER, Sunday I got the call! An update on our embryos.
Of the 8 follicles aspirated, 5 were retrieved. Of those 5, 4 of them were mature and ALL 4 fertilized. THAT'S 100% FERTILIZATION, FOLKS! I have never been more relieved! The Dr went on to explain they grade them by two factors. one, on how many cells they have and two, the amount of fragmentation; on a scale of 1-4 with 1 being no fragmentation and 4 being severely fragmented. The more fragmented they are, the less of chance it has at implanting and becoming a healthy fetus. They told me that 1's are rare. They mostly see 2's. So in other words, most pregnancies are a result of a grade 2.  By day 3 they want them to be between 2-4 cells.
Mine were as follows:
4 cell grade 1
4 cell grade 2
4 cell grade 2
1 cell grade n/a

That means I have 3 perfect babies so far!!!! I couldn't be more happy with this number.

Monday was the worst day yet. I had chills, sharp pains in my back between my shoulders, dull achy pains in my lower/middle back near my kidneys, sharp pains in stomach, up my side, and period-type cramps in my lower abdomen. It was absolutely awful. I left work early, went home, and guess what, I pooped. I shit. it. up. y'all.
Relief is an understatement.
I immediately felt better. Almost all of the preceding symptoms vanished. All was right in the world again.

AND guess what?! I got another embbie update!!!!

Keeping in my mind that they want to see them at 6-10 cells by now, here's how my little Fox/Mickler babies are doing:

8 cell grade 1
10 cell grade 2
6 cell grade 2
they didn't mention the 4th, so I'm assuming that little guy didn't make it. [RIP]

I have named them already.
The first one is SPARKLE
The second is GLITTER
and the third is AVERAGE JOE.
This first two are doing reallllllly well. The third is still doing great. He's a little more average and likes to take his time to the finish like. His two front running sisters are just showing off a little. 

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