Thursday, February 26, 2015

I'm back, bitches.

So much has happened since I last posted!!!
okay.. so not really.
I still haven't got knocked up yet.. But I know like, 800 people that have.. YIPPPIIEEE!

Lets get right into it.
Nov 2014 we found out we were pregnant again. After like a year and a half of nothing. It just so happened to be right after my HSG, so I'm pretty sure that procedure played a part in that. Unfortunately, it ended spontaneously at 5 weeks and a coupe of days.
Jan 2014, we were pregnant yet again. Only this time there was actually hope. My Beta's were doubling in under 48 hours this time which had never happened before in any previous pregnancy to date. I knew in my heart that, that baby was a keeper. My doctors were even excited and hopeful.
About 5 weeks in I had some major pain on my right side which I chalked up to being a luteal cyst. After a couple back and forths to and from the ER, my worst nightmares were met. At our 6 week ultrasound appointment at the OB's office, they found nothing in my Ute. I was absolutely devastated. My HCG by that point was in the 4,000's and we should have at least been able to see a sac.
They did however find a ton of blood sitting in my abdominal cavity near my right tube. I was told to go to the ER for immediate surgery.
Fast forward to almost a year later, in Dec 2014, my new OB which was will call Dr. R, found a hydro in my right tube which he wanted to removed because my right side had been causing me pain for some time, and he told me that's probably what was causing it.  Barry and I had just recently realized that we finally had enough saved for IVF so I asked him, if while he was in there taking the right tube, if he would go ahead and take the remaining left portion out as well, as to not interfere with the our attempt with IVF, to which he gladly agreed to do.
On Jan 6, 2015 I had the surgery and all went smoothly. A couple weeks later Barry and I attended out first ever consultation with the Dr. IVF.

And now we are here.

This morning was the first day of cycle 1. The first month of the beginning of IVF!!
Well, sort of.
For the next 21 days, I'll just be taking 1 birth control pill, daily to quiet my ovaries so that the doctors have full control of them by the time we introduce the real meds. Tomorrow, CD 2, is when I start taking them. Next Monday, 3/2 I'll start my antibiotics, and then Wednesday I go in for my HSG, sono, and IVF Nurse Coordinator consultation.
I can't even talk about how happy and anxious and scared shitless I am right now. It literally wouldn't even make sense.

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